Thursday, July 11, 2013

Factors Affecting The Separation Of Oil From Water

MARINESHELF publishes articles contributed by seafarers and other marine related sites solely for the benefit of seafarers .All copyright materials are owned by its respective authors or publishers.

The principle of operation of most separators is the gravity differential
between oil and water.
The motive force acting on a sphere of oil, moving in water, is related to
the difference in mass between the oil particle and a water particle of equal volume.

The resistance to the movement of the oil particle is theoretically
determined by either:-
Stoke's Law   For small particles moving under Streamline conditions.
Newton's Law  For larger particles moving under Turbulent conditions.

The change between Newton's to Stokes's law is not precisely defined and
in design practice an intermediate law is assumed.

The velocity of separation under Stokes's Law is too slow for effective
gravity separation and means of coalescing small particles is required in

all commercial separators.

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